This a Magic Realtime Digital Music APP.Change all letters to music.
touch MAKE button open there interface to let your iPhone or iPad make music.
It let your input letters change to realtime music. and it looks good.then all the people can input some letters and now change to music! it is magical.
you can Paste letters from other people or anywhere like books,talks,websites and more.(all country UTF letter can use,sapce will skip a line)
Use top area to input letters or copy your letters to others.
When you done the letters,touch Change or Change By1 button to update change.
touch percent text or right area texts to fiip music.
touch A1 checkbox to use one hight one low auto switch.
touch A2 checkbox to use two hight and tow low auto switch.
checkbox 8 is always use hight music.
and check 16 always use low music.
Next Letters button to get some sample letters music.
and put on Use Power Save will use less effect and save power.
and touch Paste Play to use your clipboard strings to auto change and Play.
Change By1 button will auto give one letter a space to jump.and Skip Space button will skip all the sapce letters.
so also you can type any language programe code in it.use Skip Space button.all the codes will change to music at realtime.